Hmmm...Day by day,week after week,month to month and then comes a year.Too fast I could say.Like blinking the eyes and then I'm in a new world.
Next semester I'll be all alone.Guess what?
All of the Architecture students,I mean my batch will be graduating soon.Insya Allah this coming October.This semester will be their final sem as they just finished their part 1 in their Architectural studies.
Frankly,I've spent my time more with the Architecture students rather than my coursemates.Even I'm the only QS in my room,while the rest are the Architecture students and Industrial Design students.
My nextdoor mates?They are Architecture students either.I'm the only QS in my block.Thus,the bond between us are quite strong and firm.
I used to stayed up till morning like other Architecture students used to be, in order to complete their project.I like to help them making models,giving ideas to design etc.
I can't denied that I'm still having the interest in designing buildings etc.But I had put my self in "the wrong stream".
The moment we've finished our studies at the Matriculation centre of IIUM,we,the Architecture and Environmental Design's (AED) students need to choose and fill in the form for majoring purposes.There are several departments where we can join in the main campus,e.g QS,Architecture,Landscape Architecture,Applied Art etc.
Most of my friends choosed Architecture for their 1st choice while I choosed QS.After a week, my lecturer/ studio master at that time called me to meet her.Yeah,she was quite surprise as I choosed QS.She preferred me to continue in Architecture as my designs were not that bad,and even my pointer at that time was so called "ok lah."
She really insisted me to go for Architecture studies,but I refused.I'm afraid I couldn't manage my time very well.Even only for 1 year (actually 8 months)I've spent my life in matriculation, I felt like I was a zombie,I couldn't imagine I'll be spending 3 to 5 years in Architecture.With red eyes,uncut shave etc.-miserable life.(too busy)
The most important thing is,I'm afraid I'll be having no time for halaqah,Program-program tarbawi etc.
To all my Architecture friends,I'll be missing all of you.We had a great time together.
I know some of them are going to continue their part 2 in Australia,UK or even working,but please don't forget me..Hehe.
I'm wishing all of you the best and remember,where ever we are,we are a Muslim and should behave like a muslim.Working life is full with obstacles.Face it and don't forget to pray to Allah.
Here are some pictures where we had a dinner together at Chop n Steak Restaurant at Kampung Baru,Kuala Lumpur last week.
Thanks to my sahabat,Ahmad Ikhwan b Rosli for this picture.He gave me albums of our pictures' in MATRI since we were in form 1 up to form 5.He is kindda our batch photographer during our life time in MATRI.
This picture was taken when we were in form 5.Standing infront of the stage where the weekly assembly used to be held every Monday morning.
My closest sahabat,Allahyarham Muhammad 'Ammar was standing beside me.Seems like only both of us in the front line were seriously starring at the lens.Hehe.
I wondered why my friends used to say 'Ammar was the shortest in the class apart from 'Imran.Looking at the picture,it seems like I was at the same height as 'Ammar.Well,we got few similarities.
One more thing,although I was a 'school prefect'my shirt's colour was not really that blue compared to the rest of the prefects.The hue was merely to white.(got other story for that)
Just posting this picture as I missed Allahyarham 'Ammar very much.Although he is not by my side,he is still in my heart.
"Ya Allah,aku memohon pada Mu agar mengampuni dosa-dosaku,dosa-dosa sahabatku, 'Ammar dan sahabat-sahabat yang lain amnya.Beliau merupakan sahabat yang terbaik bagiku.Lapangkan dan luaskanlah kuburnya Ya Allah.Jadikan lubang kuburnya taman dari taman-taman syurga.Sesungguhnya aku kasih dan mencintainya kerana Mu Ya Allah.Pertemukanlah kami di akhirat kelak bersama para Anbiya',syuhada' dan para solihin yang lain....Aminn.."
Assalamu’alaikum. May Allah bless all of us. Showering HIS forgiveness to each and every sin we have done. Let us sit for a moment and reflect ourselves. Abu ‘Ubaidah Al Jarrah once said,
“Ijlis bina nu’min sa’ah.”
Just sharing one question for us to ponder upon.
How far our sincerity in doing Da’wah?
I have no special tools to identify people’s sincerity, but perhaps these things can be an indicator or bench mark for our level of sincerity, Insya Allah.
People nowadays or specifically Du’at over looked few things which it is actually the core of the business. Let us check ourselves; sometimes we are excellent and great in organizing program. We plan and manage Islamic program for the society. In the meeting, we give the best idea, the best tazkirah etc. Unfortunately, while we are alone, we can’t even manage ourselves. We can organize qiyamullail for the society but we can’t push ourselves to stand for qiyamullail while we are alone.
Then, what is the intention of organizing the program? Just for the people surround to ‘recognize’ our ‘soleh’?
For sure, if we do things on the basis of Mardhatillah, sincere and hoping for HIS forgiveness, no matter we are alone or in crowd, our iman will push us to do good. How are we going to give Islam to others if we don’t feel it first? Then, we can see “Du’at” are organizing massive program but sadly they didn’t benefits from it.
The analogy is simple. Two places separated by the sea and is connected by a bridge. Vehicles will pass by from point A to point B via the bridge. The Du’at is like the bridge. The vehicles are the people and point A is the place of sins while point B is the path of Allah.
We are connecting people to the path of Allah. We organize Islamic program and hope people will return to the Islamic teachings etc. But did the bridge have an improvement? The function of the bridge is just connecting without do care to itself. In fact, the strength of the bridge will fatal along with the time.
Looking at ourselves, how far we had prepare ourselves with inner strengths i.e. qiyamullail, sunat fasting, other sunat solah etc. Where is our tarbiyyah dzatiyah? Why we tend to be famous and pretending with our ‘soleh’ at the public but we didn’t acting the same while alone? Are we sincere enough while being the ‘soleh’?
Quoted from Risalah Ta’alim, under the 2nd principle which is al ikhlas, as- Syahid mentioned that there are few indicator of of a mukhlisin. One of the characteristic is, he likes and prefer ‘amal which is far from glamorous. He is like a root of a tree in a Jama’ah. With the root, the tree stand firmly straight and live, but it is hidden underneath the ground.
Please read the book to know more.
As a conclusion, hopefully, we are not just pretending to be soleh in the crowd but be soleh as what it means. Malay says, “cakap tak serupa bikin”. Hidayah is a light of Allah. It cannot transmit from a dark heart to other heart. Let us purify our heart and pray for HIS forgiveness..
Sebuah hospital di ibu kota Mexico kelihatan agak tenang. Para doktor dan jururawat menjalankan tugasan seperti biasa tanpa sebarang masalah. Kelihatan beberapa pesakit sedang menunggu giliran untuk mendapatkan khidmat rawatan di klinik pesakit luar yang terletak bersebelahan kaunter farmasi.
Di suatu sudut di aras satu, terdapat sebuah bilik kecemasan yang secara kebetulan terdapat seorang peaskit, James yang sedang parah dalam usaha untuk diubati.
Doktor Albert yang pada ketika itu bertugas di bahagian kecemasan bertindak sebagai ‘doctor in charge’ untuk operasi itu.
Selepas melakukan diagnosis terhadap James, Dr. Albert mendapati James telah dijangkiti H1N1 yang agak kritikal. Tiba-tiba beliau terfikir sesuatu perkara.
“Aku perlu melatih orang-orang di sekitar aku untuk bertindak jika mereka berhadapan dengan virus ini.”
Maka Dr. Albert pun memanggil seorang technician, Robert yang bekerja di hospital berkenaan sejak 10 tahun yang lalu. Dr. Albert menceritakan kepada Robert tentang cadangannya untuk melatih Robert menjadi seorang doktor untuk merawat para pesakit H1N1 kelak.
Beberapa orang doktor yang mengetahui cadangan Dr. Albert ini terus memberikan sokongan kepada Dr.Albert dan Robert.
“Robert, kami tahu anda mampu untuk menghadapi semua ini,” ucap para doctor yang lain.
Robert yang terpinga-pinga dengan cadangan itu, lantas menolak dek tahu kemampuannya. Dia yang pernah cuba melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang perubatan sewaktu di zaman universiti ternyata tidak mampu untuk meneruskannya, lantas menukar ke bidang kejuruteraan elektrik.
Dalam masa yang sama, James di dapati semakin tenat. Kebetulan juga pesakit- pesakit baru yang dijangkiti H1N1 semakin ramai dan mereka masih menunggu giliran untuk dirawat. Mereka semua masih belum dirawat dan dibiarkan menunggu.
Robert yang masih menolak pelawaan para Doktor itu akhirnya terpaksa barhadapan dengan Menteri dari Kementerian Kesihatan Mexico, Dr. Micheal.
“Robert, saya yakin dan pasti anda mampu untuk hadapi semua ini. Anda mampu untuk menjadi seorang doktor”, ujar Dr. Micheal.
“Tuan, walaupun saya sudah berkerja sebagai technician di hospital ini selama 10 tahun, saya tetap bukan seorang doctor. Saya juga pernah mengikuti jurusan perubatan di universiti dahulu, tetapi ternyata saya tidak mampu”, balas Robert.
Sementara itu, James yang sudah semakin tenat, akhirnya telah meninggal dunia diikuti oleh tiga pesakit yang lain.
“Tuan, biarkan sahaja para doktor merawat penyakit ini. Saya sebagai seorang technician akan membantu dari aspek lain. Saya akan pastikan segala perkara berkaitan teknikal berjalan dengan baik bagi memudahkan para doktor melakukan kerja- kerja mereka,” suara Robert pada suatu ketika.
“Tidak Robert, kami mahu melatih anda menjadi serba boleh”, kata Dr. Micheal.
Setalah didesak, akhirnya Robert terpaksa mendalami semula ilmu perubatan yang diajar secara langsung dari Dr. Albert. Segala ilmu berkaitan anatomi dan lain- lain terpaksa dihadamkannya.
Para doktor yang lainnya juga mencari orang- orang yang baru untuk dilatih menjadi seperti Robert. Walaupun masa semakin suntuk untuk semua ini, mereka tetap berusaha dengan gigih dan berfikiran positif.
Akhirnya, para pesakit H1N1 itu tidak berjaya diubati dan meningal dunia dek kerana kesibukan latihan yang diberikan oleh para doctor terhadap orang-orang awam yang telah merugikan pelbagai pihak.
Cerita ini tiada kaitan dengan siapa- siapa. Cuma rekaan dari saya sendiri. Rekaan analogi untuk cuba membawa anda menyelami entry saya sebelum ini, “Akhi,enta boleh.”
Anggaplah para doctor itu teman- teman seperjuanganmu. Robert itu adalah kamu, Dr. Micheal itu ketua kamu dan para pesakit itu masyarakat hari ini.
Bagaimana mungkin para doktor dan Menter Kesihatan mengetahui kebolehan Robert untuk menjadi doktor? Walaupun Robert mungkin pernah bertegur sapa dengan para doktor di hospital tersebut, mungkin juga pernah makan bersama beberapa kali, saya pasti mereka masih belum mengenali kebolehan Robert. Inikan pula si Menteri yang berada di tempat lain. Tiba- tiba sahaja mampu berkata “Saya yakin anda boleh.” Dari mana datang keyakinannya? Mulut-mulut doktor yang lain?
Mengapa tidak menerima cadangan Robert untuk menjadi pelengkap kepada para doktor? Memastikan segala teknikaliti berfungsi dengan baik. Ini kerana, mereka “LEBIH MENGENALI ROBERT”, berbanding Robert mengenali dirinya.
Berfikiran positif itu penting. Tetapi anda juga perlu berfikiran REALISTIK. Dalam situasi genting sebegitu, perlu berfikir secara realistik dan positif. Tidak hanya Positif.
Itu pun jika anda rasa masyarakat hari ini separah virus H1N1. Dengan keruntuhan akhlak, pergaulan bebas dan lain- lain. Jika anda tidak berasa sedemikian parah, mungkin anda masih boleh terus dengan ‘fikiran lama’ anda.
Kesimpulan yang saya boleh buat berdasarkan pandangan peribadi, di dalam memberi tanggungjawab kepada seseorang, perlulah di kaji latar belakangnya, mengetahui kebolehan dan kelemahannya dan berta’aruf mendalam dengannya.
Tidak bisa kita membri tanggungjawab atas dasar orang lain kata dia boleh, maka kita pun kata boleh juga. Atau dia sudah lama atas jalan ini, semestinya dia boleh. (Jika begitu, Robert yang sudah lama; 10 tahun bekerja di hospital itu sebagai technician semestinya tahu juga lah bidang perubatan?)
Setiap manusia ada kelebihan dan kelemahan masing- masing. Ada yang pandai berkata- kata, ada yang pandai berorganisasi, ada yang cepat ‘pick up’, ada yang semua serba boleh dan sebagainya. Maka hargailah kelebihan- kelebihan saudara kita dan salurkan ke bidang yang betul untuk Islam.
Kerja- kerja pengislahan manusia ini suatu kerja yang berat. Ia memang sukar dan menuntut pelbagai pengorbanan. Seharusnya kita merancang dan memberi tanggungjawab untuk memikul tugas- tugas tertentu sebaiknya kepada mereka yang benar- benar mampu agar kerja- kerja ini berjalan dengan baik, Insya Allah.
Assalamu’alaikum. Praise to Allah the Almighty for giving me the opportunity to write a bit longer entry compared to some previous entry I’ve posted. Actually I was pretty busy for the past few weeks. Alhamdulillah, some of the stuffs had been settled.
Just to share my point of view on one topic which I think some of us are affiliated with it in their daily life. Don’t make me wrong, this entry doesn’t mean to ‘attack’ anybody, individually or groups.
“Akhi,enta boleh”..(Akhi,you can/Akhi, you can do it). Short words but it gives a big impact to me. I often received this sentence when it comes to giving responsibilities. I’m not so sure, upon what basis they’re naively choosing me to bear with the responsibilities. To encourage and beautify the responsibility, they will keep on saying, “Akhi, enta boleh. Ana tau enta mampu”. (Akhi, you can do it. I know you have the ability to bear with it.)
Excuse me! How many times we had eating together in “dulang”? How many times we spent time together for rehlah? Jaulah? Tamrin?. Two, three times? That’s ridiculous. You can’t even know the person, the strength of the person, his ability, his weaknesses etc. in just rarely meeting.
“Did you know that I couldn’t speak in front of the public?”
“Don’t worry akhi, I know you can.”
“Hello! I’ve been living for 22 years. Who knows better about me? Me or you? I know my strength, my weakness etc. because “THIS IS ME”.
“Akhi, this is the process for you. The field for you to polish your skills. As a Dai’e, we need to be all way rounded.”
“Yes, I know akhi. Again, I’ve tried to be such so, but I failed. I’ve been exposed to these since I was in secondary school. Truly, I’ve failed!
I realized and determined my strengths and weaknesses. I’ve tried to overcome the weakness but for sure, almost 10 years I couldn’t make it. Therefore, I’ve tried to strengthen my strengths and Alhamdulillah, Allah made it easier than overcoming the weaknesses. But then, people still didn’t realize it.
My question is, if I have to bear all of the responsibilities (if not all, the responsibilities which need/related to my weaknesses), where is the reality of your analogy of a house?
“We, work in a group as if we are a part from parts of the house. Some of us are the beam, some are the column and even some are the walls. Each and every element will support one another. Some of us can stand for hot and cold, thus he’ll be the external wall. Those with strong body will be the column etc. That’s how it works!”
But, seems like the analogy just became an irretional analogy.
If I’d been push to bear the responsibility within my weaknesses, it means I have to be the column, the beam, the wall etc without bother whether I’m competent and being able or not.
It’s true that some of us can be all rounded, but please, (begging tone) consider those who did not being blessed with those abilities.
Let us flash back the seerah of Rasulullah P.B.U.H. Why Rasullullah asked Ja’afar to lead the Muslims to hijrah to Habsyah? Why he didn’t pick other sahabah? Yes of course all of his actions were not from his desire. In fact, it was the revelation from Allah. But of course, it was indeed, based on the competency of that particular sahabah.
I don’t think Rasulullah just picked up any sahabah for any responsibilities. The sahabah was in the circle of the Prophet. They walk together, ‘musafir’ together etc. Thus, Rasulullah PBUH can determined their strengths and weaknesses. The Prophet PBUH knows whom were the most competent to bear the responsibilities.
If you think Da’wah is a serious agenda, then you will never pass the baton to incompetence person to bear with it.
In judging the competency of a person, need not upon the basis of no where. Don’t just keep on saying……………,
Last week my friend invited me to attend Ta'alim which was delivered by an Ustaz which I admired the most since i was in the matriculation centre.Alhamdulillah,Allah gave me the opportunity to attend the Ta'alim and met with the the Ustaz.
I like the way of the Ustaz speaking. Full of humbleness,passionate etc.That night,he was talking about al ikhlas as he had finished elaborating the topic of Al Fahmu during the previous Ta'alim.
At the end of the Ta'alim,I went to him and had a hand shake with him.While shaking hands,he kept on holding my hand and asked me, from which Kulliyyah/Faculty I am.As I told him that I'm from the Faculty of Architecture,he seems a little bit shocked.He said,he thought I am from Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge (IRK).My face look like an Ustaz.(Am I?)
Alhamdulillah.Hopefully,what the Ustaz was thinking about me will be in reality soon.Ameenn...
Note: One of my sahabat told me that the same ustaz thought he is a medical student.That time,he was a Physical science student.Alhamdulillah,after finished his matriculation centre,with the Allah's willings, he had change his course to medical studies.The du'a/view of a soleh person, sometimes may come into the real life...
"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): They Fight In His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him In truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to His Covenant than Allah. then rejoice In the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme." (At Taubah:111)
"We did indeed offer the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains; but They refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it;- He was indeed unjust and foolish." (Al-Ahzab:72)