Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dare and Wise


It has been a while since my last post.I didn't have a proper time to update my blog lately.Well,hopefully this 10 minutes entry will benefits all of us,Insya Allah.

I'm not so 'outspoken'or dare to express my feelings to people except while supplicating and talking to my beloved Ummi.Making worst,if I need to express it in English.(It shows how bad my English is)

Yesterday,while in xx class I couldn't sit calmly as I was very late in performing my 'Asr prayer.The class should end up at 6.30pm but the lecturer insisted to continue his lecture up to 6.45pm.Maghrib prayer is just to come then.

In fact,that particular lecturer gave us questions to be answered in class while he went outside the class to perform the 'Asr prayer.It wasn't fair.!

The moment he came in,he started to give 'Tazkirah' which turn out to be 'bullshit'!(Sorry for using this term.)

I couldn't recall his exact words,but the gist is more or less like this;
"If people didn't perform the solah,it is not the society problem,it is the individual problem,hence you can't blame the society for any reason"

Suddenly and spontaneously I shouted 'NO!!' as reflecting to disagreement of his statement.I even didn't realized how my voice came out to said that.

And of course,few eyeballs were concentrating on me.It was like 'eh Nabil ke tu?biar betul.'

But I just pretending as 'it wasn't me' by looking elsewhere i.e ceiling etc.Of course I have my justifications to argue with my lecturer,but Alhamdulillah,Allah has granted me with rational and wisdom not to argue so and so at that time.

It isn't about you dare or not to argue,but it is about how you argue with people,and it is not appropriate to slam the PhD holder infront of the class.

Respecting others,or like Stephen Covey said,seek understand,then to be understood is the key.I might win the argument,but I will lose his heart forever and ever.I would say,this is not a Dai'e characteristic.

As a Dai'e,our aim is to win the heart of our Mad'u.Many people have the courage to argue and dare to slam people,but few people have the ability to stay calm,and put his wisdom ahead rather than his emotion.

“Invite (all) to the way of Thy Lord with wisdom and preaching; and argue with them In ways that are best and Most gracious: for Thy knoweth best, who have strayed from His path, and who receive guidance.” (An-Nahl:125)

Wallhu'alam.May Allah gives us the strength to spread Islam and Istiqamah on this path.


1.PhD might be translated also as 'Pandai habih dah.-Thus,their ego are quite high.Must have skills to tackle them.

2.There was a survey made to find the most trust people to be trusted in the society,and guess what,Professor was at the 1st rank.Civil society even didn't put their trust on Doctor.Worst were the politician and Policemen.

3.Wisdom alone isn't very helpful either.We need wisdom and courage,and currently,I'm not courage enough to pop out my words.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

They have gone,but their spirit lives on...

One of the signs whenever the doomsday is approaching is that,Allah will take the soul of the sincere Muslim scholars.

As a result,people will turn out looking for advises and answers regarding Islamic matters nowhere rather than the 'fake' scholars whom will lead the people away and astray from the path of Allah.Consequently,we will live in chaos,full of doubtfulness and coming to certain extent,Islam is no more other than a NAME..

This is what happening nowadays whether we realized it or not.

Few years back,we have lost some prominent muslim scholar.The death of Al-Fadhil Ustaz Mustafa Masyhur,the Ikhwanul Muslimin leader, before he was soon replaced by Dr.Mehdi 'Akef.It was quite shocked for those who are concern with Ikhwan.

Later,Ustaz Fathi Yakan was called by Almighty Allah to meet HIM.He is the Author of the Famous book 'Maza Ya'ni Intima lil Islam',the book used by most of the Usrah/Halaqah institutions as it baseline/introduction.

These two people gives a big impact to the Harakah Islamiyyah globally.From the desert of sahara to the greenish of tropica,from the tents of Bedouin to the skyscrapers of New York,from the below sea level of Netherlands to the highest peak of Everest;each and everyone can feel the presence of their strives i.e.reviving Islam as what has been done by the beloved Prophet,Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam.

Narrowing the scope,me and some of the people have lost our Murobbi recently.Starting from Cikgu Zainuddin Jusoh (my living skill teacher in MATRI),Sir Ghazali Omar (my English teacher in MATRI),moving to Ummi Halimaton Husin (my Bahasa Melayu teacher in MATRI),Sir Yahya Ismail (EST teacher in MATRI)and few days back,our beloved Mudir/Principle Ustaz Dahlan Mohd Zain.

If the Ikhwah in Indonesia mourning for the death of Ustaz Rahmat Abdullah once upon a time,and we Malaysian at that time felt the same thing although not as sad as them,now we're feeling the same way;loosing our 'Guru'...

I know and I realized that nobody can escape from death.From time to time,one of our loves one will go and meet HIM.The question is,they have gone,but how far we've take it as a lesson and how much their spirits lives on in our heart?

As-Syahid Syed Qutb once said;

"Neither me nor you initiating this 'struggle',
But it is the pioneer of the Nabi and Rasul.
We and the rest of those who struggle on this path are the chains,linking from the Pioneer.Now,I'm gone to meet my Rabb,hence has dropped one chain."

May we still Istiqamah in this path...Ameen Ya Rabb..

As-Syahid Hassan Al-Banna said;

"Wahai manusia,setelah kehidupan yang pendek ini kamu akan menjalani kehidupan yang abadi.Bila kamu memahami rahsia tugasmu dalam kehidupan ini dan mengikhlaskan amal untuk Tuhanmu,ada kenikmatan yang menantimu."

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Perginya seorang pejuang


Pertama sekali marilah kita hadiahkan Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Ustaz Dahlan Mohd Zain,mudir Ma'had Attarbiyyah Al-Islamiyah,MATRI yang telah kembali bertemu dengan Rabbul Jalil pada pagi 18 September 2010..Al-Fatihah...

Ustaz merupakan seorang yang saya cukup kagumi.Tanya sahaja mana-mana pelajar matri baik yang masih di matri mahupun yang sudah keluar,pasti mereka akan menyatakan perkara yang sama.

Ustaz,sorang yang lemah-lembut tetapi tegas.Berjiwa seorang murobbi dan dai'e yang tidak kenal penat lelah.Mendidik anak-anak matri untuk meneruskan kerja-kerja islam.

Saya bukanlah orang yang rapat dengan ustaz seperti sebilangan yang lain.Semuanya atas kelemahan saya sendiri.Kurang dan lemah dalam hal-hal 'PR'.

Maka,saya tiada punya cerita-cerita dan pengalaman bersama-sama dengan ustaz secara peribadi.Tapi saya punya khazanah yang masih saya simpan hingga sekarang.Khazanah yang amat berharga buat saya.Buku setebal 400 muka surat menjadi saksi catatan mutiara-mutaira ustaz di matri,termasuk al-Fadhil ustaz Dahlan.

Sebentar tadi saya selak-selak semula segala catatan sepintas lalu.Sedih dan sebak.Catatan ijtima'am (perhimpunan mingguan yang di buat di musolla matri;mengumpulkan semua pelajar,guru dan masyarakat setempat untuk diisi dengan tazkirah)yang ketiga iaitu bertarikh 10 Februari 2001 telah disampaikan oleh al-Fadhil ustaz.Ketika itu saya masih di tingkatan satu.Tajuk yang ringkas tetapi memberi seribu satu pengajaran.Antara pesanan ustaz yang dapat membakar semangat ketika 'down'dalam menuntut ilmu ialah,

"Hidup ini perlu dengan ilmu,bukan tradisi dan adat.Tiada jalan untuk mengenal Allah melainkan dengan ilmu.Maka antara syarat untuk menuntut ilmu adalah TIDAK BERMALASAN".

Allahyarham Ustaz Dahlan,Allahyarham Sir Yahya dan Sir Abduh memberi taklimat kepada ibu bapa ketika pendaftaran pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 1,2005

Hargailah mutiara-mutiara di lubuk matri.Walaupun saya tidak punya pengalaman bersama-sama ustaz secara peribadi dan saya sedikit terkilan,tetapi ada hikmah Allah beri disebalik semua itu.Mungkin ada hikmah saya seorang yang agak 'skema'di sekolah dahulu.Berada dihadapan di setiap tazkirah,perhimpunan dan kelas.Mencatat setiap bait-bait mutiara disampaikan oleh para murobbi.Mencatat bedah buku 'maza yakni intimai lil islam',karangan Allahyarham Ustaz Fathi Yakan,oleh ustaz dahlan di setiap kali perhimpunan pagi mingguan.Walaupun saya kekurangan satu perkara,namun Allah izin saya punya perkara yang lain.

Masih teringat ustaz mengajar Bahasa Arab sewaktu di tingkatan satu atau dua (tak ingat tingkatan berapa).Tidak salah saya,ustaz menggantikan ustaz Zainuddin ketika itu.Saya yang sejak azalinya berdarah gemuruh agak 'dup-dap dup-dap'ketika ustaz mengajar.Ketika itu saya tidak begitu mengenali ustaz.Sekadar mengetahui beliau seorang mudir.Persepsi saya,mudir seorang yang garang,suka pukul pelajar dll.Semuanya berpunca ketika di sekolah rendah dahulu.Guru Besar muka 'bengis',garang,dan saya ada pengalaman kena 'libas'dengan Guru Besar.Jadi terbawak-bawak bayangan tersebut.

Saya yang tiada asas Bahasa Arab ketika di sekolah rendah ditambah dengan ustaz asyik tanya-tanya dalam Bahasa Arab membuatkan rasa hendak 'terkencing';takut.Namun,Alhamdulillah ustaz jauh dari segala sangkaan saya.Ustaz mengajar penuh hikmah.Ustaz tak marah-marah dan rotan.Ustaz banyak nasihat dan bercerita.Macam-macam cerita ustaz.Dari cerita ustaz suka bermain badminton sampai cerita ustaz belajar di Iraq.

Bukanlah saya hendak mengagung-agungkan ustaz Dahlan,tetapi bagi mereka yang pernah mengenali ustaz,mereka tahu bagaimana peribadi ustaz.

Ustaz bersusah-payah membina matri di awal tahun 80-an.Ustaz melihat jangka-masa panjang.Bukan saya hendak merendahkan atau memperlekehkan sekolah-sekolah lain,tetapi kebanyakan sekolah agama tidak menekankan 'kesedaran islam'dalam jiwa para pelajarnya.Sekadar bersilibus bahasa arab,quran sunnah dan syariah islamiyyah dan hafalan quran.Tidak hairanlah ada para 'huffaz' tidak berakhlaq dengan akhlaq islami.Kerana apa?Kesedaran islam itu tidak ditanam didalam jiwa.

MATRI lengkap dengan 3 aspek untuk membentuk muslim yang soleh dan musleh.Bi'ah yang solehah,murobbi mithali,dan punya qudwah hasanah.

Para bapa pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 1 mendengar taklimat sewaktu hari pendaftaran di MATRI;2005

Para pelajarnya ditekankan untuk 'bekerja untuk islam,meneruskan kerja-kerja islam,mengislahkan masyarakat dll.Bukan sekadar menjadi ustaz dan ustazah malah para professional yang bertaqwa.

Ustaz nampak,melalui pendidikan yang tersusun dan terancang,islam dapat disebarkan ke seluruh pelosok bumi.Bertebaran sahaja anak-anak Matri di serata dunia,akan dibawa bersama-samanya cara hidup islam yang benar untuk dirinya dan masyarakat sekeliling.Alhamdulillah,anak-anak Matri ramai yang berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran di serata dunia;UK,Jordan,Mesir,Korea,Russia,New Zealand,Madinah,Indonesia,dll.Insya Allah dengan bertebarannya anak-anak matri ini,keja-kerja islam masih dapat diteruskan.

Walaupun jasad ustaz telah pergi dahulu meninggalkan kita,namun ruh dan semangat serta pengorbanan ustaz masih dirasai dan insya Allah akan diteruskan.


1)Agak terkilan tidak berpeluang menziarahi pengkebumian ustaz.Baru sampai Kuala Lumpur ketika berita diterima.

2)Abah dan ummi kata musolla penuh time solat jenazah.Belum dicampur pelajar-pelajar matri yang masih bercuti.Sahabat-sahabat ustaz dari iraq ada yang datang.

3)Rasa bersyukur dipilih oleh Allah untuk menimba ilmu dan mengutip mutiara di MARTI.Ada hikmah menolak tawaran bersekolah di xxx selepas PMR dahulu.

4)Anda juga boleh melawat web
Hilal ,Ust Saiful Rahman, Afdholul Rahman.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Generalizing people


Perhaps,this is my last post before I'm leaving home for raya.

Just to share my experience and little knowledge about something I love most i.e. human behaviour.

I received a question asking, how do I mixed around with people,especially foreign's friends,as it is kind of 'abnormal'for Malays.

Okay,personally,I learned through two stages i.e. theoretical and practical.But,on top of that,the most important thing is,you yourself need to have the enthusiasm of making friends.In this context,we as a Dai'e (hopefully I'm capable enough to say I'm a Dai'e)need to look in a perspective of 'making friends to spread Islam.'

The theoretical part,by hook or by crook,you have to read a lot.Reading in the sense of trying to implement it,not as you reading your academic book where the purpose is just to pass the exam.(am i right?)

It's not necessarily to finish up the whole book,then only you start with the practical one.It moves concurrently,theory and practical.

I have several suggestion of books which I think it really helps a lot.
First,the 7 Habits of highly effective people by Stephen R.Covey.
there are some good sub-topics which are related to our concern,e.g. Seek First to Understand then to be understood.

Second,How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.This book really touched on the topic.For instance,the 1st chapter,the author talks about 'criticizing'.Yeah,people tend to criticize others but they are not aware that it is actually making a gap the moment they're doing that.It is a fact that 99 out of 100,people don't criticize themselves for anything,no matter how wrong it may be.

Third,Personality Plus:How to understand others by understanding yourself by Florence Littauer.This book is more or less like Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps by Allan and Barbara Pease.Or even like the famous book entitled Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.

And I'm still looking for this book.Need to go to Boarders or Kinokuniya or MPH later.But it tells us how different people's perspective upon the same thing.

For an example,an old lady went out for a shopping by herself.After settled her stuffs,she can't remember where she parked her car.While she is wondering,looking for the car,a guy came to help her.Then,more and more people came just to help the old lady.The old lady was so happy making friends with them.The moment she arrived home,she tells her husband about the incident happened and she is so excited telling about her new friends she met.However,the husband is looking at the other point where he then scolding his wife for being so careless and reluctant to discuss on 'the new friends'.

See,as a good Dai'e,you need to appreciate other's views.Understanding people thinking etc.And you need a good point and ways to counter.

I don't want to elaborate more.Get the books I've recommended and starts reading.You'll find many more interesting part which can be implemented in order for you to dive into the society.

I'm not saying I'm perfect enough,but I'm still learning.

Try implement it and you'll find it worth though.Once you have the experience,then you'll be much more confident in the future.Even at one point,you can read people's behaviour just by looking and having a small chat with him/her.

Ok then,enough for now.Hopefully you'll gain something.May Allah helps us.


1)Maybe this is my last post.I'm not sure whether I'm in a safe journey to go home.Please pray for me.

2)to know something,you need to read,read and read.Even if I asked my supervisor this and this,she'll keep on saying 'you have to keep reading.You have to read,read and read a lot'.Afterall,the first Revelation is about read!

3)Jangan lupa Ramadhan.Pemburuan lailatul qadar masih berjalan.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jejak Kasih


Announcement,tomorrow class (QS Practice and Admin) is cancelled.So,tonight I'll be spending my time for two things.(I mean before going to bed)

First,I wanna go to my friend's room and surfing the internet using the university signal/coverage.My room is a slide away from the signal.Hence,I need to bring along my laptop to my friend's room and surf the internet.His room is just infront of the router.
I couldn't access the university library using my broadband although I've setted a proxy to access.I couldn't figure out what's the problem.I need to access to the university library and download journals,articles etc. for my literature review during this raya break.Study tetap study!

Second,planning to go 'berfoya-foya' at my other friends' room.Makan-makan and sembang-sembang santai.After all,this sem I'm still in debt with one of my promises i.e. ziarah kawan-kawan especially classmates.Tonight's visit is worth though.Last before raya.hehe

Ok.ok..I've driven away the readers from the original topic i.e. jejak kasih.
Yesterday my old friend from the primary school sms, telling me he is currently in Japan,further his study.I just kind of what?Ok,FYI I've lost contact with almost 99% of my primary school friends.My bad I didn't intended to create FB account right now.(Still in dilemma).

So,after we hi each other I remembered my best friend during zaman kanak-kanak.I mean,standard 1-5.(Darjah 6 I moved to other school)

Ok,he is a Chinese.But,I bet he is much better compared to some of my Malays' friends.I was sitting next to him during darjah berape ntah.He's good in Math and English.

His dad own a bicycle workshop at the 'cowboy town' of Lunas,Kedah.So,sometimes,I will cycled all the way from home with my big brother to his dad's workshop just to meet him.His big brother was in the same class with my brother,while I was in the same class with him.So,we were like 'rakan adik-beradik' la..

I used to played video games at his house and lepak-lepak in his room.(It's a 1 Malaysia concept though..hehe).Sometimes the maid at their house offered us drinks but we refused to accept it.Biasala zaman kanak-kanak 'syadid' sikit.Kononnya takut bekas ada babi.kekeke.Tak pikir langsung hati orang.

Even we had our own activities at school.Bring along CD games and exchange with each others.Of course it was among school prefect only and I was the only one who wasn't the school prefect.Salah guna kusa zaman kechik-kechik dulu..hehe.But really enjoyed!(ini bukan nasihat untuk adik-adik melakukan aktiviti ini)

I left the school when I was in standard 6 when my family moved to somewhere else.I got to know that he succeeded in his UPSR and enrolled in one of the prestigious daily school in Kulim i.e. SMK Sultan Badlishah.

I didn't keep in touch with him as I was in hostel and the last thing I heard about him from my other friends was,he and his family was migrated to Australia.None of my friends have his contact number and it really made me upset.I didn't even have chance to say goodbye.Isk3..

I try searching for him via FB (my bro account)but it was useless.

Chang Wei Shion...Where are you now??

He taught me chinese (hokkien) language.But I requested from him to teach me only the *&^%# words!Kekeke.At least I can burst out the words when I've lost my temper.Kanak-kanak dulu la..Sekarang ni dah insap..Tak buat lagi.

So,for those yang mengenali saudara Chang Wei Shion son of Chang Huck Leong and brother to Chang Wei Ern,please inform me..I'm sure he's still in Australia or else he's working or further his studies at other place.

That's all...



1)Am I being the issue among the lecturers now?If yes,what it is all about?Is it cause of my badASS or vice versa?I'm kind of guy yang tak suka orang kenal.And I managed to be like that since 1st year.Out of all my lecturers,only one yang memang kenal and ingat nama I.I tend to remain silent and 'psycho' dalam class.Although duduk depan sokmo,tapi 'psycho'..hehe.So,just now 1 of my lecturer cakap ape ntah with my friend and suddenly she asked,"Eh,you ni ke Nabil?"and my friend pointed to me and I'm kindda 'eh ape silap aku?'(Otak terus ligat berfikir,apelah yang mereka dok bergossip tentang diriku ini..but I don't care n it wont bother me at all.tapi mcm nak tahu jugak sbb apa..hehe.knapa tiba2 terfamous pulak ni?)

2)Esok nak balik kampung..Sedih tak dapat nak nk bermakmumkan solat di masjid uia di 10 malam terakhir ni..

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alhamdulillah..Release sikit..


Alhamdulillah..Phew..At last,after struggling and almost dying finishing our 1st coursework for Post contract subject,We've completed it successfully.We?Yeah, It's me and my partner.He did helps me a lot.Almost 70% of the work he done it.I just contributed the rest 30%.Demam hari tu..Tak leh bagi full commitment.huhu

So,tomorrow morning will go to the photocopy centre and bind our documents.Need to submit before noon.

So,I guessed there is 'time' for me to concentrate on my Ramadhan as there is no other assignment which need to be submitted in this short time.After Raya ada la..Banyak lagi..

This evening,I made myself free to have a walk and taking fresh air.Coincidently,I met my Kenyan friend.He asked me,what makes me so happy?because I was smiling.He said it's abnormal to see me smiling as I'm always in serious 'facial expression.'

I just kindda 'Errk??'Apekah?But I admit I'm kind of person who is very hard to smile.But for those who 'knows' me well,will not bother.

Actually,I've something to share but seems like it's not a right time and post.Maybe next time.Who wanted to know,please sms or call me personally..kekeke

Ok la,nak chow dah.

Kepada para manusia,jangan terlalu memikirkan raya sehingga terlupa Ramadhan.Sesungguhnya Lailatul Qadar itu tersimpan di 10 malam terakhir.Maka,Carilah ia..



1)Last Monday I've missed my class.First time for this semester.-Demam..But,morning class was postponed to after raya while the evening class was cancelled.So,Allah Maha Mengetahui.I didn't missed any lectures though.

2)Abah,dah lama tak pi camping.So,cuti Raya ni amacam?Jom plan pi mana-mana.-(Father n son discussion)