"No,no,no..You can't call me Bang Chik", I politely told him.
"Follow after me. 'Pak Lang'.Pak-Lang,Pak-Lang,Pak-Lang" I repeatedly saying infront of him so he could 'absorb' the term 'Pak Lang' and hopefully replace it with Bang Chik.
He keeps on mumbling 'ba-chik,ba-chik on and on and I'd almost surrender and giving up on him.
He continued his playing activities as usual and suddenly he came infront of me and uttered "Pa-Lang"..
Hahaha..At last..Though a bit mispronounced it i.e. Pa-Lang istead of Pak Lang, but OK lah..Budak-budak kan..
Kids absorb things very fast.I mean super fast.At one time I walked with my arms crossing (tangan silang kat dada ala-ala Boss) and the next thing I found out my nephew who was 2 and a half years at that time walking behind me with his arms crossing as well.
So,no bad words from now on..Cakap kena baik-baik and of course tunjukkan contoh yang baik kepada semua manusia.eh?
"Children were born in fitrah/pure.Their parents are the one to colour them either to be majusi,yahudi or a christian."
But of course peranan Pak-Pak menakan pun penting.. :)
* Do you have any good stories/experience with your kids/niece/nephew to share with me/us?Please do so at the comment section below. Cheers!