Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keep your belongings safe

I was having dinner with my roommate when he told me something. Something unexpected happened when I wasn’t around this morning.

At about 11.00a.m he heard something noisy sound outside our room. Our next door friends were screaming and yelling for something where my roommate couldn’t understand as they were African. Then, he heard people were running here and there.

At first he intended to look out, but due to some precaution’s step he preferred to stay calm in the room and locked the door. After about 10 minutes he heard foot steps in running conditions together with the felt of the big dustbin near to our room. Then, somebody outside the door screaming “POLICE”!!

My friend still keeps on silence in the room as he thinked it was the best solution. If I were him, I’ll make the same step. (I’m afraid to get involve in foreign’s students affairs as their size are double or even triple of mine + they are rough guy)

As my roommate looked down from his window from our room in 3rd level, he saw security’s car was parked near to our block. Then, came the securities and an African guy plus some of other foreigners. The African guy was taken by the guards to somewhere else.

After a few moments, my friend opened the door and somehow met the other side neighbor (malays). They told him that the African Guy was caught for robbing. Unfortunately his activity was detected by the members of the room. Thus, they were chasing and trying to catch him.

As a reminder for us, keep our belongings safe. Make sure you locked the door every time you go out even for a short time.

* Why people are stealing others’ stuffs? Hmm.. Didn’t they felt that Allah is keeps on looking on what are they doing? May all robbers has the awareness and make a turning point to be a good Muslims.


ing said...

3 hari lps, ada bdk peminta sedekah ugut ana dgn pisau...hahaha
mcm haram...
Tp ana x bg la...
Ada arab lain nampak n halau bdk tuh...
Ganas2 org afrika ni (Org mesir pun org afrika jgk)...
Org afrika yg anta cerita tu mesti kulit hitam kn?
Org kulit hitam ni biasanya jahat..
Sudani etc
Tapi ada jgk yg baik mcm AmmarZul..hahaha =)

P/s: ila AmmarZ..La za'lan..kawe gurau jah...Habibbak fillah =D

Nabil MJ said...

To arab org africa. africa dlm cerita ana ni mmg pure african.
Some people makes joke saying that it's normal for africans to do crimes in university especially the somalis.They even robbing a ship..hehe.pirates.

Kesian 'Ammar zul..dia x bersalah dlm cerita ni

im said...
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deli said...

biar dia rase dok lokap, biar tobat, eh, ape kes kulit hitam semua jahat, jgn racist kkkkkkkkk, x baik (pura2 baik la plak)

Nabil MJ said...

to deli:ye bukan racist.x smua kulit itam jahat.ada je yg baik.n x smua kulit putih baik..Selagi mana x amik islam sbg jalan hidup,selagi tu lah x baik...