It was a tiring day for me, my bro. and my dad....
Although we were very exhausted,Alhamdulillah, Allah paid it by something else..
Just to share the story...
It began here...,
My dad was in KL last Saturday to attend a meeting regarding co-operation(KOPERASI), together with my brother.
Both of them arrived at my campus on Friday evening.Taking some of my stuffs which to be transferred to my sister's house at Ampang.(My room need to be fully evacuate as been told by the hostel's officer).The rest of my stuffs,I put it in the store room provided.
That night, we slept at my sis's house.Full of tranquility..hehe
Saturday morning....
My dad got a message from one of his friend who also will attend the meeting this evening.He told my dad that there will be a talk at Masjid Az Zubair, Cheras on Palestine.(That Masjid was the same venue for the meeting).The speakers will be our brothers from Palestine.It will be starting at 10.30a.m..
So,instead of going to the masjid at 2.00p.m, my dad decided to go at 9.00a.m, just to listen to the talk.
We moved from my sis's house around 9.15a.m,a bit early as none of us knew exactly the place.To make the story short,we managed to arrive at that Masjid at 11.00a.m.,after we had lost so many times...
I thought we were lucky as we were only late for 1/2 an hour.However,as we entered the Masjid,we're been told that the talk had finished.It started at 8.30a.m,not 10.30a.m as been told.Hmm...Alhamdulillah..Hopefully Allah will countered it as 'Amal soleh..
Then,we just waited there until 2.00p.m where the meeting will be started.Hmm...It bored us to dead....Me and my bro just play with the cats...
After Zohor,my dad went to the meeting room.My dad gave the Kembara's key to my bro. just in case we need something,i.e listen to radio etc.
My bro just managed to get his car licence.So,I just sat beside him and he started to make a "Test Drive".Hehehe..He just drove around the Masjid's compound and did the parking,reverse parking,side etc.
We waited the meeting to finished until 'Asar. Then, we proceed to Sungai Congkak for a mission..
Actually,my mom's friend did message my dad asking help to have a look at her son who just been transferred to Sek.Men.Ibn.Khaldun,Klang.However,at that time,he was at Sungai Congkak,attending a camp organized by KeARAH (Kelab Remaja HALUAN) ,Center peninsular chapter.
I've been there for twice but couldn't remember the route.My dad n my bro,NEVER..
So,for the 2nd time we gambled,looking for the place.
It took about 3 hours to reached there.Hehehe..We keep on lost,lost and lost...
Alhamdulillah,Although we're almost fed up, Allah gave us something else as we reached there.
My dad met with his new sahabat, uncle Kamaruddin(syahidan's dad),uncle Sabaruddin(Shakir's dad),uncle Nasaruddin(Usaid's dad) and some other Pak ciks..
We went home after Isya' at the camp...
Before we went to Ampang(sis's house),we headed to IIUM to take my big brother's stuffs.Yeah...Same situation(room evacuation)
Around 11.30p.m we moved to Ampang..
I enjoyed the journey...
Allah will test us with hardship,misery etc.but at the end, He will pay us with bountiful of Rahmah.He will make us feel the sweetness of Hardships..
P/s:Seems like I couldn't go to the Book Fair at PWTC...
faham2 situasi tu,..ana pernah lalui,..tapi pulangannya lumayan...
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