*Some other sahabat couldn't make it to join us..
*Munsyi~sama went home
*Fakhri got tournament
*The rest= Got things to be settled...
*Pan@bajet Serendah and Raja were busy doing the "Standing Stone" (pic 2 and 3)
*Pic 4~ Pan was surrounded by the standing stone@berhala.hehe
O Allah, give us strength in Ukhuwwah so that we can work together for Islam
xajak ana!!terkilan sungguh...
x ajak ana, terkilan sungguh..huhu..pdhal dh ajak, cume kene balik umah..hehe
Awat anta x ajak kwn turki anta join skali...
bleh ana tgk skit rupa/wajah org2 turki mcmn...hehehe
Izzat Amir, Suhail dah msuk Gomabak yer...
hmm..lama x jumpa depa..
2 org hamalatul Quran yg aku respek!!
to mhuno:nta dok jauh la..klu dkt ana dah ajak,insya Allah.hehe
to munsyi^sama:tak pa..sekurang-kurangnya nta dah tlg beli ayam utk bbq.
to ing:nk tngok muka org turki?nnti insya allah ana try post..
Aa..izzat amir n suhail dah masuk.Mmg depa bagusla..segan ana.
macam best jahhhh
to deli:mmg best ooo..
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