Recently we heard about swine flu which already killed 81 people in Mexico alone and thousands were suspected infected.
Even in north US, 64 cases were reported.What it is all about?
In the perspective of a Muslim, it is actually a test from Allah,or in other words,it's kind of punishment from Allah as we didn't obey the rules of HIM.
I couldn't remember which surah or chapter and verse Allah has mentioned (more or less like this)
"If there is a village where the people didn't believe in Allah(lam tu'minu na billah), Allah will replace them with other generation/other people where they will obey Allah."
We can see from the story of Prophet Allah Luth,Soleh and Nuh.How The All Mighty Allah punished them,as the consequences of their rejections.
Thus,we can relate the current swine flu disease as a reminder from Allah.As a believer,we should take it as a serious issue because it is actually related to our "IMAN" sensitivity.
P/s:I just heard that the Jewish didn't called this disease as a swine flu.They called it as a Mexican flu as they said swine is HARAM for them and even if they say it,it's some kind of dirt.Anyway,as a matter of fact,whatever u called it,the disease is still spread and will keep on spreading.
~Make sure u wash ur hand every time before eat and put on ur mask if it is necessary~
"Lelaki Soleh Bagaikan Mutiara indah berkilau nan mempersona. Keperibadianya dihiasi dengan ketulusan, keinsafan, dan kesabaran, kedudukanya juga dimuliakan oleh Allah sebagai Khalifah. Lantaran Mereka mempunyai peranan dalam menegakkan kebenaran dan mencegah kemungkaran. Mindanya yg kreatif, hati nuraninya yg suci bersih serta budi pekertinya yg luhur mampu menunduk serta menewaskan hasutan nafsu dan tipu daya syaitan yg sentiasa menghasut kearah kehancuran dan kesesatan. Al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasul sentiasa tersemat Dihatinya sebagai pelita kehidupan dan pegangan dalam mengharapkan keredhaan Allah SWT.
to kawan ishaq:
Thanks for the tazkirah
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