Some of my friends knew her as I introduced to them. Isk3… As I’m writing this post, I couldn’t control my sadness feeling. Before she left me forever, she didn’t make any wired signs. She’s normal like before. Unfortunately, that normal signs were fakes!
I never imagine having her because she was the best. She’s too perfect. My brother introduced her to me last 3 years. Let me finish it here. I don’t want to review our sweet memories together. Too hurt.
I’m thinking now to find my new love one, replacing my first love. Although it sounds easy, deep inside my heart I felt confused. However, life still has to go on.
C59 EPSON Printer was my girl. This post is dedicated for her. For almost 3 years with her, she helps me in printing my assignments, generating income (printing service) etc.
Now, she is already out of service. Not due to empty inks, but her life span already reached the limit. The time for her to serve me has ended.
Now, I’m looking for the new one. The C59 are no longer produced by the manufacturer due to its “old school” version. My brother suggested the EPSON T10 as it is more or less like the C59. Although the inking system can’t be modified to external cartridge like the C59, the T10 still can make some modify to its cartridge for economical purposes. (Replacing the original cartridge to the new one where it can accept unoriginal inks). The quality is quite the same.
I’m waiting for my next sem income. Looking forward to have the new printer.


Note: Some people suggesting CANON, but personally I can say that CANON is not that level in terms of its output quality. BROTHER? HP? Hmm.. Trust me, once you had stick with the first brand, you’ll never change to others.
ceh..ingat psl ape..printer je upenye..pandai gak anta wak lwk.
ana syorkan beli HP. sbb ana pkai HP. elok je. xpon beli yg leh potostat skali. yg besar gile tu kat baiduri.hehe
ana xreti la komputer, so ana suggest anta xyah layan comment ana ni
Pandai Nabil bt lawak...hahahaha
Tp x kena kt ana...sbb ana jenis baca tajuk pastu trus kebawah tgk panjang mana post/artikelnya...(klau pendek baca, klau pjg belum tentu..hehe)
jadi ana dah nampak gambar printer n bleh agak apa yg anta tulis dlm post/artikel tu...hehehe
Mungkin ni 1 kelebihan yg ada pd org yg malas membaca...
to MuNsYi^SaMa:Hp?akan d pertimbangkan.jimat tak?brapa rnggit?
to mhuno:x pe x pe ana layan jugak least nta pandai camera.especially DSLR..ana x pandai.
to im:hehe..kelebihan org malas nta x malas baca.student medic mana bleh malas baca =) tp malas baca blog ana x pa la..
ntahla..ana ade printer tp print kt cc gak..sbb ink xtopup 2
eh Nabil..
blog anta terkecuali...
Pjg mana pun post/artikel anta tulis...insya'Allah ana baca =)
to munsyi:la..baik x ah beli printer..
to im:hehe jgn buang masa nta baca blog ana yg merapu ni..Baik nta baca buku2 medic nta tu..
beli la printer epson...
ana guna sampai sekarang ok je.. :)
yes..hidup epson
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