Thursday, December 31, 2009
To my beloved sahabat....
Antum adalah mutiara buat ana.
Antum adalah dapur pembakar semangat buat ana.
Sama-sama di dalam halaqah
mendidik dan membentuk kita
Menjadi insan berguna
Untuk membangunkan ummah..
Ayuh sahabat.
Pinggirkan perkara-perkara kecil yang sampingan
Kita punya kerja yang besar..
Perlu kepada jiwa yang besar..
Ayuh sama-sama kita melangkah wahai sahabat...
Ana sayangkan antum kerana Allah.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Ana,anta dan antum adalah Dai'e.
Ya,ana seorang Dai'e.
Buktikan anta seorang Dai'e!
Seorang Dai'e itu bukanlah hanya mengeluarkan omong-omong kosong.Hanya tahu mengaku Dai'e tetapi akhlaqnya jauh sekali dari sifat dan ciri-ciri seorang Dai'e.
Ada juga sang Dai'e pandai berkata-kata,berhujah pantang dikalah,namun bilamana terjun ke medan amal,berpaling arahlah dia.Itu juga bukanlah si Dai'e.
Untuk melakukan kerja-kerja yang besar yakni kerja-kerja mengislahkan masyarakat perlulah kepada jiwa yang besar.Jiwa yang kental dan hampir dengan Allah S.W.T.Mana mungkin "si Dai'e" ingin mengislahkan masyarakat namun dirinya sendiri penuh dengan ke'aiban.Memang tidak dinafikan manusia tiu tidak sempurna,namun perlulah ada peningkatan dari semasa ke semasa.Usah ulangi kesilapan-kesilapan masa silam.
Dai'e juga perlu berasa 'izzah dalam melakukan kerja-kerja 'Amal Islami ini kerana Baginda Nabi S.A.W juga pernah melakukannya suatu ketika dahulu.Maka,kita adalah mata-mata rantai yang bersambung dalam melakukan kerja-kerja ini.

Jika sang Dai'e benar-benar merasakan kepentingan kerja-kerja ini,maka tiada lagi suka ria,lalai dan lagho.Jika benar-benar merasai dan yakini hadiah daripada Allah di akhirat kelak,maka kita tidak akan mensia-siakan jual beli bersama Allah ini.Ayuh syabab,seriuslah antum dalam kerja-kerja Da'wah dan Tarbiyyah.Berkada Salahuddin Al Ayubi:
"Mana mungkin aku bersuka-ria dan bergelak tawa sedangkan bumi Palestina masih di dalam genggaman Yahudi Laknatullah."
Syabab,jangan sia-sia kan waktu muda kita.Ber'amallah!Moga dengan Amalan kita ini dapat di persembahkan di hadapan Allah kelak.Selagi nyawa masih ada,manfaatkan lah sebaik-baiknya.Bagaimana kita boleh yakin yang esok bukan giliran kita untuk di cabut nyawa?
Biar sahaja kita penat dengan kerja-kerja ini andai kata ia mampu meraih redha Allah.
Ana mengingatkan diri ana yang sering lupa dan lalai serta buat antum teman seperjuangan,ayuh kita menyusun langkah,betulkan soff dan bekerjalah!
Sama-sama kita berdoa dan berusaha agar Allah menetapkan hati-hati kita di atas jalan ini.Sesungguhnya jalan inilah jalan yang telah dilalui oleh Rasulullah tercinta serta para sahabat,tabi' tabi'in..Yakinlah wahai syabab!
Moga Allah bersama-sama dengan kita.Amin..Allahuakbar!!!
Note:tiba2 ana asyik teringatkan sahabat ana yang sangat ana rindui dan cintai kerana Allah,Allahyarham Muhammad 'Ammar bin Zulkifli..
Sunday, December 20, 2009
21 December 2009

All of you are invited to a talk on the recently earthquake in Padang,Indonesia.
The details of the program are as follow:
Date: 21 December 2009
Time: 9.00pm
Venue: Musolla Kulliyyah of Engineering,IIUM Gombak
Speaker:Noorazman b Shamsudin (Secretariat of HALUAN Palestine)
*Will be conducted in Malay
Jom datang beramai-ramai!!! Sama-sama ambil iktibar dari penyampaian ini.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ustaz Muzakkir n Raudah's wedding
Nothing much to say...Let the pictures tell the story...
I'm waiting my sahabat (3rd from right/sneaking behind amad)..Bila nta pulak untuk berpakaian seperti ust Muzakkir?Jgn lupa jemput ana nanti ek..dont take it serious.Just kidding.
Bergambar bersama-sama ustaz
Lagi gambar bersama-sama dgn pengantin lelaki.
berbual-bual dengan ustaz before balik ke UIA
Note:Jazakumullah kepada,sahabat2 jalan kebun dan semua yg terlibat secara langsung or tak dalam menjayakan majlis ini(my words sound like I'm the tuan rumah..hehe)
Note2:Syukran to Ammar for invited us to ur house on the way balik ke UIA.Sesungguhnya landscape rumahmu cantik bangat!
Note3:my mind/memory still can't memorize the route to SMIK..hmm..
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Beruntungnya menjadi Mu'min
Sekadar ingin berkongsi rasa dan pengalaman.Pengalaman orang boleh dijadikan iktibar untuk mendidik jiwa-jiwa kita untuk lebih mendekati Rabb yang kita Cintai.
Semester saya kali ini saya tidak mengambil sebarang subjek,kerana saya sedang menjalani practical training di sebuah firma ukur bahan di Kuala Lumpur.Walaupun baru memulakan kerja dalam tempoh seminggu,rasanya dapat saya katakan yang ia memang memenatkan.Manakan tidak,saya perlu keluar seawal 7.45am untuk ke tempat kerja dan akan pulang dan tiba di universiti dalam jam 6.30pm-7.00pm.Di pejabat,kerja bertimbun-timbun.Projek masuk bertubi-tubi.
Di saat ini,hati rasa tidak tenteram kerana merasakan terlalu memberatkan hal-hal duniawi hinggakan proses peningkatan hati dan diri tidak/kurang berlaku.Apa yang saya maksudkan tidak berlakunya proses peningkatan hati ialah bila mana tenaga kita sudah diperah oleh sistem,maka kita akan merasa berat untuk menghadiri program-program tarbiyyah.-Penat.
Saya lihat,ada juga staff pejabat yang datang seawal 7.00am dan pulang paling lewat.Hakikatnya,dia sudah berumah tangga dan mempunyai cahaya mata.Terlintas di hati saya,macam manalah agaknya dengan anak-anaknya?Ayah keluar seawal pagi.Mungkin saja anaknya masih belum bangun tidur.Ayah juga pulang selewat mungkin dan mungkin saja si anak sudah tidur.Bila agaknya mereka bertemu?
Rutin harian berputar sama saja setiap hari membuatkan kita ini seperti robot.Namun,beruntungnya bagi mu'min,dai'e dan murobbi,hidupnya lebih kreatif dan tersusun.Kerana apa?Kerana kita merasakan adanya Allah,adanya tanggungjawab lain yang perlu kita laksanakan.Bukan sekadar mencari rezeki untuk keluarga,tetapi perlu juga mencari bekalan hati.
Saat penat apabila pulang dari pejabat terubat bila mana sms dari sahabat2 diterima.Duduk bersama-sama merancang dan merencana program,program-program yang dapat mendekatkan diri dengan Allah.Terasa puas.Kekuatan iman dapat di charge bila bersama-sama dengan orang-orang yang soleh.
Beruntungnya bila mana kita menyedari hakikat kehidupan,merasai kebersamaan dengan Allah,merasai kepentingan,kewajiban untuk berada di dalam halaqah,merasai tuntutan untuk berda'wah walaupun dalam masa yang sama kita sebenarnya penat dan lelah dengan sistem.
Sekadar luahan dan perkongsian.Usah biarkan tenaga kita diperah oleh sistem hingga tidak mampu lagi untuk kita berbakti pada deen Allah S.W.T.Di saat-saat lemah,carilah sahabat2 yang dapat meningatkan kita pada Allah.
Sekadar itu,wallahu'alam.
Respect the civil society especially "The Veteran"
Time:Office Hour
I'm waiting for the elevator to go to level 4 for working.I'm not alone while waiting for the lift.While waiting the lift to stop at our level,I saw one old man in the crowd of people,also waiting for the lift.
Me:Oh,what a pity.
As the door lift opened,we entered the lift..
Location:Inside lift at Office Building in Setapak..
Me:uish..someone is smoking inside the lift.huk huk..(silently.As if I'm mumbling to myself)
Old man:Sape merokok woi! (Who's smoking?!)
I didn't expect he will shout like that.
Everyone in the lift keep silent.Nobody admit.. .... ...
Suddenly the old man punching one young guy near the door lift.That young guy is holding a cigarette.
Old man:Kau merokok dalam lift ha?!! (you're smoking right?!)
As the lift stop at level 2,the young guy step out although he is actually wanted to go to level 4 as he is the one who pressed the level 4 button..
Before the door lift closed,
Old man:woi bloody hell!!!!
Every body is looking at him now.But the old man still cool.
Me:uii..bleh tahan jugak pak cik nih. (whispering..)
Note:Never under estimate people.When ever they angry,even unexpected thing can happen.
: As a Muslim, we should respect others.Besides,we have to control our temper.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Waduh2..Enggak ada rokok di sini bro.!!
Me: (queuing to pay)...
Suddenly,entered one guy,(new student,maybe.Never see him before).Seems like he is looking for something..After a while,he went to the cashier;
Guy:Bang,rokok mana?Ada jual rokok tak?
Cashier:Erk..sini mana ada jual rokok bro.
Guy:Oh..ok. (a bit blushing.malu kot silap tempat cari rokok dkt dalam campus)
Note:Budget2 la nak merokok pun.Cari rokok dkt kiosk mahallah.memang tak jumpa la..Aduh2..Buat lawak betolla budak2 ni..
Saturday, December 5, 2009
What happened to us?
After enjoying the shopping,I queued waiting for my turn to pay.Subhanallah,the line was so long as if I could finish eating a plate of noodle until my turn comes.
Suddenly,there was 1 guy (foreign student),going to the cashier and the conversation "between them" occurred.More or less like this:
Guy:Excuse me,can you help me?
Guy:Do you speak english?
Guy:I want to wash my cloth and need soap.Can you find it for me?
Guy:Excuse me,I want to do my laundry and need soap.Can you please at least show me where can I get the soap?
I was the last person in the line thus I hope those who were queuing next to the guy could help him if the cashier couldn't understand english.
However,everybody seems like nothing happened.Most of the people near to that guy were Malays and I thought they will give some help as what Malay culture were been taught.
Unfortunately,people were acting wired making that guy alienated in the civilized human world.
I pushed myself to cross the line and lend my hand to him.
Me:Excuse me,can I help you?
Guy:I'm looking for soap to wash my clothes.Can you show it to me where can I get it?
Me:Follow me.
We walked for few steps to the soap section....
Me:Here we are.Make your choice bro.Over there is the softener if you wish so.
Guy:Thank you bro.I'm sorry for burdening you.Today is my second day in Malaysia.I'm a new student here.
Me:It's ok.(Patut le muka x pernah nampak sblm ni)
After he made the payment,he again seeking apologize to the cashier and the people surround for burdening them.
I wondered why he was the one who supposed to say sorry?He done nothing wrong!
What happened to the people?Were they realized that, as a muslim we should help our brothers in need?
I'm a bit dissapointed with some of our brothers.Try to imagine and put yourself in their shoes.If you are new in a place and need help while others just ignoring your need,what did you feel?
I hope and pray this situation will never happen again.Hopefully I can benefits others in all conditions.Insya Allah.
Note1:Supposely the cashier is IIUM student.I'm sure he understand english otherwise he will not be the IIUM student.
Note2:I'm a bit shamed as most of the people surround were Malays at that particular time.Where is our slogan "Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita"?
Let us take it as a lesson and try to overcome it.Wallahu'alam
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Muhasabah 1

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
Never give up.Strive for the sake of Allah and Insha Allah He will pay for it.
Lets drive!!

May it will be a safe journey.
See you next time...
I'll be returning to KL tomorrow and Insya Allah will meet him again after 4@7 months depending on my practical training schedule.
Wishing to both of my brothers a happy study and keep up flying the pride of our family flag!
To my beloved ummi,don't be sad as all of your children will be leaving far from home.we miss you so much.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
....... :)
It happened my 16 days nephew was admitted to the hospital due to jaundice. There was something crossing my mind. Why recently we heard most of new born baby especially in Malaysia got jaundice? I seldom heard the western born baby infected with it. Is it due to the medicines injected to the baby the moment they were delivered? Maybe Dr.Hudzaifah or anybody with good knowledge in it can explain further.
There was 1 nurse came to my sister and her baby after few days admitted to the hospital.
Nurse: Madam, you’re going to be discharged today. (with smile)
Madam: Alhamdulillah.
Nurse: But before that, you need to settle few bills. Right now the office is close for lunch. You can make the payment around 2.00pm.
Madam: Ok, Insya Allah.
Nurse: I think you better sit and rest and ask your husband to pay it (the nurse is pointing at me with innocent face, assuming I’m the dad!).
Me: lol. Do I look like a dad? (I’m too young and immature to be a dad!)
We celebrated Eidul Adha nowhere except in our home. My uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. coming all the way from KL, Penang and other far far away places just to visit me to visit my sister and her baby.
We snapped photos infront of our house (pic of my uncles,aunts,cousin,etc. Can you find me?)
Insya Allah I’ll be leaving to KL soon as my practical training will be started this 7th December.
May this Eidul Adha gives us the spirit to struggle and sacrifice for the sake of Islam, and we hope the lesson from the sirah of Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail can stick firmly in our heart.
Note1: Congratulation to my aunt for her engagement recently.
Note2: I’m too young to be an uncle right? Hehe
Note3: Congrat to my lil bro for achieving 5A in the UPSR
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dedicated for me to think.....
Live is not as easy as you taught.It full with obstacles and it is very tough and rough.Why is it so?Nothing else except Allah wants to test us either we are a 'real muslim' or not.
As a muslim, we have to face every single of these trials as a medium for us to be a better man.The patience we paid will be bought by Allah in exchange.Together with Allah's blessings, hopefully we deserve to live happily ever after in the Paradise.
Put Allah in our heart,the sweetness of trials and tribulations will be tasted...
O Allah,guide and bless me...
One of my friend used to paint a mural at our hostel building during our life time as a secondary school students..It stated,
A star has five ends,
A square has four ends,
A triangle has three ends,
A line has two ends,
However, Allah's blessings has no end!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Who decide our fate??
Personally,I think it's kind of norms for most of students to put more effort during the ending line of the journey, i.e. the ending of the semester,just to ensure we passed the exam with flying colors.
However,as we realized or not,our success does not rely on our effort.Of course my statement can be argued,but what can I say is,our effort is just around 30% out of 100% of our success.
The remains 70% belong to Allah.HE is the one who can decide our fate.There are lot of stories,rumors etc. about the people who still failed although he struggled to pass the exam.Or maybe you experienced it yourself.
Why not we pray to Allah to give us success and at the same time we put more effort to pass the exam.I think that's better.Only HIM can make us pass or fail.Never rely on our efforts to pass.
As what my schoolmates always said, jom jaga HDA!!(Hubungan Dengan Allah).
"O ye who believe! if ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly." Surah Muhammad:7
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Good Luck for the coming exam!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Ya Allah...
Hati ini acapkali tidak tenteram..
Sebak, sedih,hancur, hanya Allah yang tahu.
Semakin lama semakin sedih..
Semakin lama semakin rindu..
Semakin lama semakin ana memikirkan enta..
Benarlah,Allahlah pemilik hati ini.
Dia berhak membolak-balikkannya.
Ana terlalu sayangkan enta.
Sayang ana atas dasar iman dan taqwa.
Sehingga kini,tiada lagi penggantimu.
Menatap potretmu membuatkan ana teringat kisah-kisah kita bersama.
Lantas air mata menitis lagi.
Ya Allah,aku terlalu merindui sahabat dunia akhiratku ini.
Bagai semalam baru kita berbicara.
Namun hari ini kau sudah tiada.
Pergi menghadap Maha Pencipta.
Andai enta mendengar doa-doa ana,aminkan lah.
Moga kita dipertemukan semula di akhirat sana.
Ana sayangkan enta 'Ammar.
Enta ibarat abang yang memberi nasihat ketika ana memerlukan.
Enta juga ibarat mu'allim dalam berkongsi 'ilmu.
Enta lah juga peneman untuk berbual ketika kesunyian.
Enta tempat ana berkongsi suka duka da'wah.
Ya Allah,andai kata Engkau ingin mengambilku,
ambillah ketika aku dalam kebaikan.
Moga aku dipertemukan dengan Mujahid muda ini.
'Ammar,uhibbuk fillah.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Allahu Akbar!!!
That particular student was shot by the Israeli's soldiers when he tried to enter the masjid to perform solah.
He went home this Ramadhan to visit his family in Palestine. As Syahid Obaidah Al Qudsi was a graduate from Kullyyah of Human Sciences IIUM.
Upon receiving the sms,I did make a confirmation with my palestinian friend, and he confirmed the news.
O my brothers and sisters,our silence is not an options.Are we still going to sit and do nothing?If we didn't feel anything on the issue of Palestine,there is something wrong with our heart.
May Allah place Obaidah among His Syuhada'..Ameen..
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ramadhan...Bersama Ulama' Palestin dan Kutipan Derma
Below are the particulars of the Program:
The Speakers:
Sheikh Hussein Khalil Saqar al-Awawidah (Sh Abu Bakr)
Penasihat Kanan Rabithah Ulama Palestin
Sheikh Ziad Said al-Kishawi (Sh Abu Ahmad)
Koordinator Bantuan Kemanusiaan Rabithah Ulama Palestin
Sheikh Ahmed Aboushousha (Sh Abu Wael)
Ketua Koordinator Sosial, Perkhemahan Pelarian Khan Danun
10 – 15hb September 2009
Anjuran HALUAN Palestin dengan kerjasama Bahagian KESUMA, JAKIM
Khamis, 10 September 2009
Masjid Mu’az bin Jabal, Jalan Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur
Jumaat, 11 September 2009
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Darul Takaful, Kuala Lumpur
Kuliah Dhuha (Kakitangan BIMB Sahaja)
Masjid Telipot, Kelantan
Kuliah Subuh
Kota Baru (Bersama Kuliah Mingguan YAB Dato’ Menteri Besar Kelantan)
10:00 pagi
Masjid Hasanah, Bandar Baru Bangi
Kuliah sebelum Solat Jumaat (12:30 tghri)
Masjid Machang, Kelantan
Kuliah Jumaat
Masjid Matang Pagar, Sg Buloh
Berbuka Puasa
Masjid Tanah Merah, Kelantan
Sabtu, 12 September 2009
Masjid Darul Ehsan, SS15 Subang Jaya
Kuliah Subuh
Masjid Bandar Baru Sg Buloh
Kuliah Dhuha
Surau As Siddiqin, Bandar Tasik Puteri, Rawang
Berbuka Puasa
Masjid Kg Tunku, SS1 Petaling Jaya
Masjid Jamek Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, Jalan Templer, Petaling Jaya
Ahad, 13 September 2009
Masjid Negeri Shah Alam
Kuliah Dhuha
Pejabat HALUAN Palestin, Subang
2:30 – 4:30 petang (Sesi bersama wakil-wakil NGO sahaja)
Masjid An Naim, Jalan Kebun, Klang
4:40 petang – Iftar Perdana
Masjid Sayyidina Umar, Bukit Damansara
Kuliah Maghrib
Masjid Mukminun USJ
Masjid Amaniyyah, Batu Caves
Isnin, 14 September 2009
Balai Islam, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Bangsar
Kuliah Zuhur
Surau Seksyen 8, Shah Alam
Berbuka Puasa & Tarawih
Masjid Mukhlisin, Jalan Damai Bakti, Alam Damai, Cheras
Selasa, 15 September 2009
Surau Jalan 7 Bukit Rahman Putra
Berbuka Puasa & Tarawih
Masjid Sultan Azlan Shah, Ipoh
Berbuka Puasa & Tarawih
info from:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Increasing my knowledge and quality as a future QS
-Prof.Sr.Dr.Khairuddin Abd Rashid (IIUM)
-Dato' Zakaria Hashim (Zakaria Lee&Partners,and Federation of Consultants from Islamic Countries)
-Prof.Dr.Hamzah Abdul Rahman (UM)
-Prof.Dr.Atul Huq Pramanik (IIUM)
-Prof. Sr. Dr. Khairuddin Abdul Rashid (IIUM)
-Prof. Kerry London (Deakin University)
-Associate Prof. Dr. Christopher Preece (IIUM)
-Prof. Dr. Kiyoshi Kobayashi (Kyoto University)
-Prof. Graham Winch (Manchester Business School)
-Mr. Gordon L. Jaynes (International Construction Lawyer)
-Prof. Dr. Wang Shou-Qing (Tsinghua University)
-Dr Ahcene Lahsasna (INCEIF)
-Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ainul Junid Maidin (IIUM)
-Co-Chair, Prof. Sr. Dr. Khairuddin Abdul Rashid (IIUM)
-Co-Chair, Prof. Toshiko Omoto (Kyoto University)
-Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi (Kyoto University)
-Prof. John Barkai (Hawaii University)
-Gordon L. Jaynes (International Construction Lawyer)
-Prof. Graham Winch (University of Manchester)
-Prof. Dr. Wang Shou-Qing (Tsinghua University)
-Peter Phillips (Trent Consulting Japan Ltd)
-Iain Wishart (Gardiner & Theobald Fairway Limited)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ramadhan Kareem...
Let us concentrate on our 'Ibadah. Minimize ur time infront of ur PC/Laptop..
This Ramadhan might be the last for us... Do it diligently.
It is the time to "Sharpen the Saw".


Even a child concentrate and diligently in performing 'Ibadah,why not us?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A walk with medical students..
Together with us was Ali NHA. We planned to meet at KLCC.Alhamdulillah,everything just going fine.
We had our drink at KLCC food court and Faiz paid for it. We were also spend sometimes wondering around inside Kinokuniya book store and KLCC park.
We had our lunch at KLCC food court. Guess what?I only had a plate of rice+chicken+vege and it cost me RM13.00..Masya Allah.That was the first and the last time for me to go there.
Here are some of our pictures...

Ali n Akmal..we were waiting for Faiz

3 medical students looking for patient

me,akmal n faiz
 we come!!
note1:Thanks to my roomate,Ammar Paudzi for lending me his DSLR
Note2:For info,Faiz is doing his medical studies in Egypt,while akmal n ali also doing medical studies but in USIM.
coming soon.....
Friday, August 7, 2009
Site visit
3rd Year students from QS Department, IIUM went for a site visit of Tan Sri Azman Hashim Complex which is still under construction.
This complex is located inside the IIUM campus which is near to the river side and The Great Hall of CAC.
Tan Sri Azman who is the owner of the Am Bank has contributed some of his wealth to the community specifically to the IIUM community by constructing this complex. This luxurious complex will accomodate for book shop, Banks (Bank Islam, Muammalat and Am Bank), and exclusive cafeteria.
The Boyz + Bro Azrin
The contract sum of this project is approximately 6.5 Mil. However, due to the complexity of the design, the curtain walling alone cost about 2.5 Mil.
The expensive curtain walling
Actually, the date of completion for this project was on 27 June 2009. However, due to some discrepancies in the drawings and some other problems, it is expected to complete by October this year. The contractor is still applying for EOT to be approved.
Constructing the drainage
Thanks to Bro Azrin and the part timer together with bro Amru (S.O.R) for accompanied us during the whole visit.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
As busy as bee
I've been burdening with dozens of works and responsibilities. Trust me, my works are more than the finger hand to count.
I'm the group leader for 3 different subjects plus the class representative for counseling skills' class.Besides, I'm also the secretary for one of my group.
Hmm..being the asst. secretary welfare bureau for KAED Fest made me much busier. In addition to that, just got new responsibility in Journalism Club which to be fulfilled..
Assignments?Research?..Allah knows better.
I'm not saying this for boasting.Let us look back to ourselves.Take sometimes to 'muhasabah' what are the significant behind of all these things.
Our beloved Prophed once said,
Grab 5 things before coming 5 time before you busy.
Human in nature were only realize and appreciate things when only it's gone/taken by Allah.We only taste the sweetness of it whenever it disappeared from our side.
It's so pity when only few people realized and take it as a lesson.(I'm not included.Still blur and keep on repeating the mistakes).
The most important is, how busy we are, never forget our 'core business' in this life.Hopefully,whenever our time to meet Allah has come,we are in well prepared and in the busyness of doing Da'wah and Tarbiyyah just for the sake of Allah.
Note1:Sometimes I like to burden myself with works.It teaches me to solve multipurpose works in one time and I learn to manage my time.
Note2:Let us renew our intention.Do things just for Allah's sake,then only it will be accounted.If not,those works you done make no different, like dust blown by the wind.Vanish into thin air..
Friday, July 24, 2009
May Allah bless my beloved Sir...
Jazakallah sir for revealed your knowledge to me until I've managed to passed the English subject during SPM with flying colors.
Sitting next to Sir Ghazali..
I'm sorry sir if I've done any mistake and scratched your heart consciously or unconsciously.
Chatting with the humble sir..
May Allah grouped Sir Ghazali together with those Syuhada'... Ameenn...
Friday, July 17, 2009
I've got the answer...
I’m not in good mood today. I didn't know why. Maybe it’s a kind of ‘kaffarah’ from Allah due to my mountain of sins.
After Jumaat prayer, I sat alone at one corner inside the masjid and wondering around. I’ve been thinking of my future, my aim of this semester etc. I tried my best to renew my intention of being a student i.e. studies.
However, it’s not an easy thing for me to totally purify my intention. Sometimes I keep on bearing in my mind to study hard, just to ensure I'll get a proper job with good payment. It really pushed me up. My mind made a conclusion, study hard = bright future = good salary.
Honestly speaking, it really makes me sick! I’m in dilemma.
Allah is always with us. He will help us when we are in need......
Suddenly, my ears caught one ayat from the Holy Quran recited by one Arab guy in the Masjid. The ayat sounds familiar to me but I couldn’t manage to recall which chapter and what ayat it is. Straight away I messaged my best sahabat in Egypt, ‘Imran, seeking his help. Few minutes later, he replied.
“Surah At-Tolaq. Ayat no 2&3”
Allah says,
“…..and for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out,. And He Provides for Him from (sources) He never could imagine. and if any one puts His trust In Allah, sufficient is ((Allah)) for Him. for Allah will surely accomplish His purpose: Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.”
In Malay,
“Barang siapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah nescaya Dia akan membukakan jalan keluar baginya. Dan dia memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangkanya. Dan barang siapa yang bertawakkal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan (keperluan)nya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan-Nya. Sungguh Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi setiap sesuatu.”
It really touched my heart. I really felt the presence of Allah that time. Alhamdulillah.
That night, I met my friend who just enrolled UniKL MIAT. He keeps on saying that those who graduated from MIAT will get the starting salary RM3000 up to RM4000 per month. Even he underestimated IIUM graduates. He was telling me his dreamed car and intended to by it after graduate with his “HIGH SALARY”.
For me, I didn’t bother with his statements because I’ve already got the answer....
Thank you Allah for reminding me..