Wednesday, August 11, 2010



Alhamdulillah, Allah has given the opportunity for me to sahur as usual like the previous Ramadhan without facing any difficulties.

Although right now I'm suffering for sore throat,but who am I to complain for the sickness?I'm fortunate enough compared to our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

I've read an article about this Ramadhan in Gaza.They have no electricity,lack of foods and many of them are jobless and couldn't feed their families.However their faith to Allah never ended.They have a strong soul and faith.

In other part of the globe,our brothers and sisters need to fast in the non-islamic environment.They have been oppressed,tortured etc. but they still practising what they believe i.e. Islam.Without no fear and doubt,they hold strong of their faith.How about us?

Here in Malaysia we make fast for about 13 hours and yet many of us complaining many things.Too hot,not enough rest etc.Even some students are excuses from attending the class due to tiredness.What a wreck!I heard the Muslims in Finland need to fast for about 20 hours + they're fasting in the environment which didn't encourage them to do so.


Why we're always looking for excuses and complaining here and there?Didn't we taking the 'ibrah from the battle of Badr?The great battle which was happened during the Holy month of Ramadhan.How were the Muslims at that time?Were they complaining to the beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam?

What happened to this generations?~Lemah,lembik dan suka complain.

A great Muslim scholar once said:

"Zaman satu bangsa yang hina
Tidak pernah sunyi dari ilmuan,sasterawan dan ahli yang arif bijaksana

Mereka dipecahbelakan dengan pelbagai ideologi
Tetapi semua ideologi itu tertumpu kepada satu rencana:

Mereka ajar anak singa menjadi kijang yang pengecut
Dan mereka hapuskan kisah-kisah singa pada bicara zaman silam

Cita-cita mereka,menggembirakan hamba dengan perhambaan
Seluruh pengajaran mereka hanyalah penipuan cendiakawan

Inilah generasi baru kita wahai putera puteriku

Mereka itu adalah anak-anak singa yang bertukar menjadi kijang yang pengecut

Sebenarnya mereka itu adalah putera puteri muslim yang merdeka

Mereka diperhambakan,lalu mereka bergembira."


Moga madrasah Ramadhan dapat mentarbiyyah kita menjadi mu'min yang bertaqwa.
Sama-sama kita tingkatkan amalan perhambaan kita kepada Rabb Teragung,Allah dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

Andai kata ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kita,mohonlah pada Allah agar diterima segala amalan agar di akhirat kelak,kita punya asset untuk dipersembahkan di hadapan Allah.

Marilah menjadi hamba yang bersyukur..

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