Wednesday, January 12, 2011



This post isn't about a girl named 'Ain neither a pet (perhaps kitten)which used to be called 'Ain..

But the word 'Ain really brings me a memory between me and my beloved sahabat,Allahyarham Muhammad 'Ammar b Zulkifli..

'Ain which I meant is the word in the Quran.If you read "alif,ba,ta,tsa,jim"...on and on,you'll find the word 'AIN before you come to the last word i.e ya.This is about the the word 'AIN...

Yesterday as I was performing my maghrib prayer at the musolla,the Imam pronounced the word 'Ain as how my beloved sahabat pronounced.It's difficult how to explain but I still could hear how 'Ammar pronounced it,as if he was whispering at my ears.

How can I still remember 'Ammar's pronunciation of 'AIN? He is my sahabat 'dunia akhirat' and some events which we had together could still stick firmly in my mind.I'm not saying that I'm having a good memory or what but believe me that I could still recall few things which happened years ago.Even certain things which was happened when I was in form 1 and people won't remember that.(maybe it's just a small things for them)

I missed listening to 'Ammar's Quranic recitation.His voice and memorization were not bad at all.

This is just about 'AIN...
And our friendship will never end,
Though one of us buried under the sand.

"Ya Allah,ampunilah dosa-dosaku,kedua ibu bapaku,sahabat-sahabatku terutamanya MUHAMMAD 'AMMAR B ZULKIFLI,guru-guruku serta seluruh kaum muslimin dan muslimat.
Ya Allah lapangkanlah kubur sahabatku,terangilah dengan cahayaMU serta rehatkanlah dia dengan ketenangan.Aku bersahabat dengannya keranaMU Ya Allah.Maka pertemukanlah kami di akhirat kelak di dalam Jannahmu..Ya Allah perkenankanlah.."


Hafiz said...

Waktu form 1 ms minggu ta'aruf dkt langkawi kan kita satu group dgn arwah 'Ammar dlu.....

Dia kn ketua group kita....'Ammar,ana,nta,adam kadir,abu,imran,hamizan n sapa lg tah ana x igt dh

Group yg ada combinasi mantap kot....
Ana sbgi org yg merancang strategi ada byk choice nk guna smua kekuatan :)

Nabil MJ said...

Time flies so fast..
Nta mmg ada leadership punya skills yang mantap.

Waktu mlm prsembahan tu,kita nasyid ek?Ana lupa dah..Sekeping hati- Saujana?(lagu favorite Arwah 'Ammar)
