I was at the resource center this morning,digging something for my research.After found few things which were related to my scope of studies,I went to the photocopy machine and started to copy the relevant pages. (some were my senior thesis etc.)
While I was happily operating the photocopy machine,there came a sister in a 'hurry' to use the photocopy machine too.
sis:Brother,how many copies more till I can get to my turn?
Me: Not much.Just one page left. (sambil senyum)
sis:Oh,ok. (sambil buat muka kalut/tergesa-gesa)
After I've finished the last page,I handed over the photocopy machine to her.
Me:sis,u need to set it up again to the normal setting.I've made some changes to the settings.
Sis: can u please help me setting it up again?I don't know how to do it.
Me:Give me some space (sambil buat2 gentleman untuk men'setting' semula.Padahal aku pun tak tau.
After few seconds...
Me:Ok.You may use it now.(aku pun tak sure sebenarnya.Tapi buat macho ja..kekeke)
Sis: Ok,thanks
After 1st page she copied...
Sis: OMG!! What happened?Why it didn't fits the page?
Me:Hah?Let me check it.. (sambil buat2 pandai setting mesin photostat tu smula)
Me:Ok,it's ok now.Don't worry..
Sis:Oh no!!Not again!
Me:What happened?
Sis:It still didn't work!
Me:Hmm..I wonder why.Let me take a look again..(sambil menekan-nekan punat mesin itu)
Me: OK!! already ok.
Sis:OMG!!OMG!! what happened to this machine?(sambil berlari-lari mendapatkan kakak yang sedang bertugas di kaunter untuk mendapatkan pertolongan.)
Me:Sorry sis!! (sambil menjerit-jerit sedikit)
I stepped out from that machine,leaving her alone..(that sis need to bear all the wastage costs.)huhu..sorry sis.I just wanted to help.(Sambil melarikan diri agar tidak di 'claim' compensation oleh sis tersebut atas 'kepandaian'ku setting mesin tu.)
(Few eyes were staring at me at that time..But I just ignored.Buat macho sudey as my friend used to say)
Few minutes later as I wanted to leave the resource centre....
Suddenly the door couldn't be opened.It was locked!! I was kind of pushing and pulling the door but it seems useless.
Cis..Beberapa mata sedang memandang aku seperti aku ni criminal.(Weh aku terkurung!!)
Rupa-rupanya kakak admin yang bertugas tu pi toilet.So,she locked the door while she was away,avoiding people from coming in.Yet it wasn't about the people to coming in,but I WAS THE ONE WHO TRAPPED INSIDE IT!!
Morals:Just admit if u didn't know a thing.Don't pretend to know something.(I knew how to operate it but somehow I don't know why it didn't work,ok!)
Buat baik berpada-pada,buat jahat jangan sekali.(Dah menyusahkan sis itu.She needs to pay segala kertas2 photostat yang tak jadi tuh..isk3..sian2)
Buat baik kerana Allah,bukan sebab nak jadi macho..
Nak gi toilet,janganla kunci pintu tu..Kang kami yang kat dalam tu nak ke toilet jugak,tak ke susah?Mana mau pergi?
*I went to the University health center this evening as I'm still coughing since the last one month.- I need to do an x-ray tomorrow morning.Something wrong with my lung?Ya Allah...-Kifarat dosa..
When the doc was examining me,she asked whether I'm a smoker or not..(Oh! Adakah muka sesuci ini merokok?Maybe due to my hair lately.Agak serabut ala2 drug addict..Mana ada..memang tugas doc la to ask patient about their history in order for her to diagnose the disease.
Hopefully batuk2 biasa..bukan TB..Na'uzubillahi min zalik.
*Cerita ni ada di tambah-tolak sikit2 agar sedap jadinya.Tetapi jalan cerita masih sama..
cute story..haha
masa ana bt x-ray pun Dr tnya ana mcmtu jgk..samada ana ni smoker atau x...tp dia kata x bahaya n cuma perlu tinggal d kwsn yg udara yg bersih bila dah umur 50thn ke atas...
x dak apa eh nta pun insya'Allah..
Allahumma la tada'lana maridhon illa syafaitah...
Amin ya Rabb...
Best giler pengalaman nta...
Good for motivation...
like your statement:
"Buat baik kerana Allah,bukan sebab nak jadi macho.."
kunci pintu tu, bkn nak elak org masuk la..
mmg nak elak org keluar n bwk books dr dlm kuar.. --"
common sense...
-cik ABC-
perlu sediakan toilet juga dlm resource center utk memudahkan mereka yg terperangkap di dalam =)
@kemudi hati:
I don't think it was cute..But it's ok if u think so..
Jazakallhu khair ing.Insya Allah everthing just going fine.
Really?Best ke?Hopefully y'll gained smthing beneficial here.
@cik AbC:
Oh really?I wonder what is the purpose/function of the cctv and the sensor/detector (detecting things inside the resource center from being stolen) at the entrance.Perhaps just serves the purpose of NOTHING..
Agreed.But then, it would costs a lot.(renovation)
huhuhu... lawak la.. :)
@mr IQ:
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