Sunday, January 30, 2011

ourselves and others

Most of our decisions are taken into our personal consideration (for the sake of ourselves) rather than the impacts towards others. (which is normally our closed relatives/friends)



Thinking and preaching,
It is serious and not joking,
Even your heart isn't touching and feelin',
The things you've been talking,
Never mind as everyone sees you as a loving and caring.

In the greenish yard he linger,
Reflecting himself in deeper,
Suddenly pointing his index finger,
Towards one naive Mr. Stranger.

Muslims in words not in the heart,
The 'tazkirah' delivered sweets as a blueberry tart,
Though he taught people loves very much,
But it's embarrassing as it's not so smart.

You claims to be a good preacher,
Yet still advocates the evils and sinners,
Blaming oneself will never till summer,
Is it summer or never,forever ever?!

Turn to Allah HE never far away,
As what Maher Zain used to say,
But then still preachers love to delay,
The turning back on the right way.

It is not about ourselves,
Neither pointing somebody else,
Although sometimes it may have,
But you won't realize until your death,
And Allah will do all the rest....

-NJ 2011-


.::: mr IQ :::. said...

mantop la abe Nabil.... huhuhu
agak bersahaja dan santai, tapi sampai maksudnya...
antara ayat yg tak ble blah
"The 'tazkirah' delivered sweets as a blueberry tart"
"Turn to Allah HE never far away,
As what Maher Zain used to say,"

(cukup bermakna)

Nabil MJ said...

@mr IQ:
Tak mantap mana pun.Ilham tu Allah yang beri.Allah gerakkan hati ana utk tulis.

Miga ana n nta dapat something

LuQMaN M.J said...

terbaik =)

Nabil MJ said...

@Luqman M.J:

tq2..Terbaik dari ladang..