Friday, December 31, 2010

In which group are we?


Astaghfirullahal 'azim..I'm kinda 'crazy' lately.Writing up things which were not really benefits others.Even using few 'harsh' words.My bad..

Just to share few things which I got them during the previous halaqah I've attended.

One of my sahabat reminds us about a sub topic written by Allahyarham Dr.Fathi Yakan in one of his books.

Dr.Fathi Yakan categorized human in three groups.

1)A group of people who live in this world with only having the aim of to succeed in this world.In simple words,they are only thinking of 'worldly life'.

2)A group of people who thought they have already live in so called 'islamic life'.They tend to mix up the goods and bads.For instance,in a ceremony,they'll have the quranic recitation for the opening but in the middle they'll having like 'wild party'.

This group of people are actually nowhere rather than looking for the 'dunia'.

3)A group of people who really have a clear aim and vision to succeed in the hereafter.They make this world as the orchard and sow it with good deeds and will be harvesting them in the hereafter.

Many people nowadays are categorized in the 1st and the 2nd group.Only few are in the 3rd group.So,let us ask ourselves,in which group we are?

Sometimes it's difficult to put our intention straight away and firm for the sake of Allah.What is our intention of study?For a secure job in the future?To get a better pay?

What is the purpose of writing something in the Blog?Showing off to be good?

Let us sit and think for a while. 'Ijlis bina nu'min sa'ah'.

'Tepuk dada tanya iman.' (Tapi kalau iman dah down,surely iman tak kata apa2.Rasa ok ja dgn keadaan diri ini.-Ditujukan kepada diri sendiri)


*Really appreciate for having a good sahabat who keep on reminding me.-Masa untuk berubah menjadi 'matang' dan soleh!! Henshien!!

-Oh adakah aku hipokrit?Sekejap post2 ala2 baik,sekejap merapu.Isk3..Celaru2..Iman yazid wa yankhuz..

*I'll be off to Pahang this weekend.(Adakah untuk menyambut new year?Nantikan next episode,insha Allah.)
Please pray for my journey.
"Allahumma inna nasaluka fi safarina haza birran wa taqwa wa minal 'amali ma tardha".


Nightbeam said...

"Oh adakah aku hipokrit?"
Yes you are. But I think it is the other way round. U pretend to be "merapu" kind of person, yet it shows your "ala-ala baik" side, which maybe, not really "ala-ala".

I think, it seems like u are too conscious of what people think, when u write on your blog. U don't want people to look high upon your good side. Thus, you repress your goodness by showing your "mearapu" side.

This judgment is only based on what I read on your blog. But never knew yourself personally.

Nabil MJ said...

Congratulations!!Ni guna ilmu kasyaf ek baca-baca orang ni.You got it right!!(sorry joking)

few things were right.
"I think, it seems like u are too conscious of what people think, when u write on your blog. U don't want people to look high upon your good side".-This one betul.

"U pretend to be "merapu" kind of person, yet it shows your "ala-ala baik" side, which maybe, not really "ala-ala".- Yang ni kurang tepat.Memang I'm kind of happy-go-lucky and suka merapu.(merapu time ada mood utk merapu.Not all the time although most of the time.)

This judgment is only based on what I read on your blog. But never knew yourself personally-It's ok.Memang orang susah nak predict how my behavior is.Ala2 sumpah-sumpah.Only my close friends and family members mengetahui dan masak dengan perangai saya.


Anonymous said...

teringat satu pesanan dari sahabat yg ingin dikongsikan disini.
sentiasa bersungguh-sungguh dalam tiap perkara yang kita lakukan dan bakal lakukan.
cth:study sungguh2,kalau main,main sungguh2, kalau blogging,blogging sungguh2 biar semuanya tak sia2 dan hanya utk dakwah.
maksudnya,sekali kita dah terjebak dalam 'dunia penulisan' ini,bersungguh2lah.kembali koreksi niat kerana apa kita menulis.
adakah banyak input dan pengajaran yang dapat diberikan atau hanya cakap-cakap kosong.
1 lagi,kalau boleh kurangkan bercerita tentang diri sendiri.macam blog 'org lain' yg lebih suka jadikan blog as a diary.
banyak dakwah pena yang berjaya menyentuh hati2 manusia.jadilah salah satu drpdnya.
teringat seorang ustaz berpesan,sebelum menulis kena solat taubat atau paling kurang istighfar sebab kita tak tahu mungkin hambatan dosa kita menghalang sentuhan tarbyah dan hidayah Allah utk sampai dalam hati setiap pembaca.
btw,ur blog look nice,simple and show some maturity.
keep writing for dakwah and ummah.
wallahuta'ala a'lam

Nabil MJ said...

Terima kasih atas ingatannya.Insya Allah akan cuba jadi yang terbaik.

'Terpukul' juga kerana blog ini kadang2 menjadi 'diari'.Saja sebagai post yang santai.
